Saturday, September 5, 2009

O Camera Charger, Where Art Thou?

Ok, no one warned me, have more kids, will lose more stuff. Seriously people! I guess I have always considered myself a little absentminded in the misplacing stuff department, but this is ridiculous! So excuse the lack of photos and blogging, but I just can't seem to find the camera charger (it will turn up eventually) or find the time to maintain my blog as much as I would like. Brian would tell you that this is my way of trying to get one of those fancy schmancy cameras that I have been coveting - true confessions, here! But, we also need a new front door and a big girl bed for Liv...priorities, right?

Here are a few pics I was able to take in Cali with Brian's work camera, which quickly lost its battery as well. That charger? Hmmm...prob hooked up with it's friend, my camera charger somewhere in this house that seems to have been hit by a hurricane lately. This is one crazy season of life I tell ya!

Swimming with Floaties for the first time!!


Cherie Baker Vann said...

I still canot believe how big she's gotten... seems like she was younger than Malory just like a week ago! :) Glad she likes the water, cause you know this Auntie will NEED to teach her how to swim in the ocean one day!

The Parsons' blog said...

I don't know, I say just keep her in her crib and get a new camera ;) Big girl beds - who needs them anyway?! J/K She's so cute and I hope you find your charger soon.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the camera - well and the other stuff too!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out my typekey account - sorry!!