Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mark Driscoll in the NY Times

I have been MIA in the blogosphere lately...not really sure why. Life has certainly settled down since our whirlwind holidays and family vacations. Maybe it's the gloomy weather, I don't think the sun has shined for more than a week now!!

Many of you know Mark Driscoll, the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. He is one of my favorite pastors, albeit controversial to some, you can not argue with his strong theology. I had the privilege of being interviewed for his first book, Radical Reformission. That was a huge honor for me as his teaching has had a tremendous impact on my life! I wanted to share this article that was recently featured in the NY Times (shocking). Brace yourselves, some of his language and topics are a little harsher than your average Evangelical preacher, but I applaud that he deals with topics that the Bible addresses but many pulpits brush over. It's long but worth the read!


Andrea said...

I love that he calls the Martin Luther story "kind of indie rock"! Good read!!

Cherie Baker Vann said...

whatta guy!!! I think he and erwin should have a big kumba-ya session :)

Caitlin said...

hey my stroller is a maclaren . i love it so far...only used it a few times with both kids but its really easy to use and it fits through doorways!!! i even had it in the mall yesterday and could manuver through the aisles pretty well..i mean, of course it would be easier shopping with no kids BUT if i have em with me its a great stroller. oh and its a little pricey, but i got mine brand new in the box on ebay for 200.00 bucks it was just last years model. love it!