Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Pretty much sums up life these days...consistency, consistency, consistency. Please remind me it doesn't last forever.

No one looks forward to the terrible twos, a developmental stage that usually begins sometime in the toddler years.
Although many parents don't expect the terrible twos to start until their toddler is two years old, it is important to note that it can begin anytime during your child's second year, and so anytime after their first birthday, and unfortunately, sometimes even before.

Characterized by toddlers being negative about most things and often saying 'no', the terrible twos may also find your toddler having frequent mood changes and temper tantrums.

To help you cope with this normal stage in your child's development, you should always remember that your child isn't trying to be defiant or rebellious on purpose. He is just trying to express his growing independence and doesn't have the language skills to easily express his needs.


Abby and Andrew said...

Preach it sister!!!

The Parsons' blog said...

I'd invite you to our parenting class Sunday nights...but it's kind of a big commute. Consistency - yep - that's the ticket! Someone told me once when it was just Stella in this world, to find joy each day. That has stuck with me and something I remind myself of when I say "ava, come to mama" and she runs the other, joy, joy! :)

Laura said...

Consistency... and perspective =). The twos are only "terrible" so long as you let them! I'll be praying for your joy and Olivia's obedience. She'll be too big too soon!