Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Few of My Faves

Here are the things I can't live without lately:

My new Chocolate phone from Verizon! It has some cool music features (which I'm still trying to figure out!). I love the color!

Dove's Cream Oil Body Wash...seriously! My mom turned me on to this and you can buy it at WAL MART. Gotta love it!! It smells good and leaves my skin so soft.

I love the Bees...this new Burt's Super Shiny gloss in Puckerberry rocks! It's shiny with a hint of color and tastes good too!

His Baby Bees line is delish. I'm using the lotion on Livi, she smells so good...we love you Burt!

Last, but not least, my ever-faithful Starbucks has brought me a latte to love. Let's hear it for the Cinnamon Dolce, in regular or skinny!

Oh how I love life's little pleasures!


Kelli said...

I am so excited to try the body wash and Puckerberry! Yeah! Good recomendations.

The Parsons' blog said...

yummmm.... I'll take one single, tall, skinny, Cinnamon Dolce latte please. Oh how I wish we had Starbucks here.