I got this entry idea from Laura at
Three Times A Mom. Here are the rules: If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain will continue.
So here are my 10 favorite "T"s, in no particular order:
Two Kids - I love my girls, and am thrilled at the thought of watching two little sisters (less than TWO years apart!) grow up together. My nieces Morgan and Kendall are 18 months apart and I've enjoyed watching them be best friends. Poor Brian, he's outnumbered...at least for now.
Tulips - Here in Washington they are a sure sign that Spring is here! When I see them pop up I know that dreaded winter is behind us and brighter (longer) days are ahead!
Taco Bell - I recently introduced Liv to the Bean n Cheese burrito (no onions), she loves them as do I. How can you go wrong? 89 cent goodness!
Talking - Big surprise. I love to talk - on the phone, on the computer, face to face, it really doesn't matter. I am a big talker and sometimes probably need to learn to be quiet. When I worked at The WB, I would constantly get caught in Andrea's office TALKING on her couch! What can I say? I am a people person!
Tazo Tea - This is my favorite warm weather (or whenever, especially during cold months of pregnancy) drink from Starbucks. An iced venti Passion tea lemonade, it's the perfect blend of tart and sweet. Ooooh I think I know where I'm headed after I type this!
Toshiba laptap - I love my laptop, even though she has some flaws (don't we all?), she is my connection to the outside world! I've especially learned to love her as a stay at home mom far away from friends and family, I know I'm only a mouse click away from many of them.
TUMS - Never too far out of my reach. It quickly chases that nasty pregnancy heartburn away...hooray!
Travel - Now that I live in a smaller town it's even more exciting than ever to get out of town! Even a trip over to Seattle is a thrill! Today Brian told me that he wants to plan a weekend away to Portland before the baby comes. We've traveled a lot in 2 years of marriage...twice to Hawaii, Mexico, several cities along the West Coast. Of course I'm always up for trip to LA, hopefully one more before June!
Television - It really is my guilty pleasure. I should probably try to live on less. I even made a career out of it!
Timing - God's timing is perfect and out of our control. I love to look back on how the events of our lives have been perfectly orchestrated by Him! For me, all in one year I got married, moved to a new state, bought a house and had a baby. Would that have been my plan or timing? Probably not, but I can't imagine it being any other way.
Now it's your turn!!